Country List Application

- 1 min


Country List is an application designed to help people easily viewing and searching all countries information around the world.

This app is available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Home Screen

View a list of country by grid 2x2 layout, grid 3x3 layout, list layout. You can take a quick look at the flag icon, country name, capital and region here.

2x2 Layout
3x3 Layout

Search & Bookmark

Searching by country name or country code. Adding your favorite country to the personal bookmark list.


Detail Screen

More information of the selected country including the country name, native name, capital, calling code, top level domain, region, sub-region, population, timezone, currency, language, map.


Setting Screen

You can customize your app appearance with 9 different set of colors.

App Setting
Color Selection

App Information

Version 1.0.1

Seller: Ho Minh Huy Duong

Category: Productivity

Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Languages: English

Price: Free

Application support:

Developer Website | App Support | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

Huy Duong

Huy Duong

Mobile Developer

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